多肽逆龄喷雾 Polypeptide inverse Age Dpray
R(3.5): 972.966809
Price: USD$48.57 ( SGD$68.00 )
Quantity : 313
Pickup Only
颜值主角-多肽逆龄喷雾含有6种昂贵的多肽成分,3秒内迅速被皮肤吸收,直达真皮层,保持皮肤弹性,从根本上解决皮肤老化问题。 这款喷雾充满了国际品牌的著名成分,以实惠的价格满足您的整体护肤和抗衰老需求。
THE PRETTYROLE – Polypeptide Inverse Age Spray contains 6 expensive peptide ingredients, which can be absorbed through the skin in 3 seconds and reach the dermis layer to maintain skin elasticity and fundamentally solve problems of skin ageing. This spray is filled with international brands' famous ingredients to meet your overall skin care and anti-ageing needs affordably.