Aura Crystal Bracelet
R(3.5): 1716.945864
Price: USD$85.71 ( SGD$119.99 )
Quantity : 10
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Crystal used:
- Golden Rutilated, Strawberry Quartz, Orange agate
- 钛晶, 草莓晶 & 橙色玛瑙
Significance of this piece:
- Golden Rutilated(钛晶) is helpful in replenishing energy that is lacking in our body and clears blockages in our meridian areas.
- Strawberry Quartz(草莓晶) has potent emotional healing properties that help with self-realization, self-confidence, and self- awareness.
- Orange agate(橙色玛瑙) to be a very powerful grounding stone, which is able to help connect you to the earth and your physical body. This spiritual growth may be able to help you with higher spiritual powers.
- 钛晶有助于补充体内缺乏的能量,疏通经络的堵塞。
- 草莓晶具有强大的情绪治疗功效,有助于自我实现、自信和自我意识。
- 橙色玛瑙是一种非常强大的接地石,它能够帮助您连接到地球和您的身体。这种精神上的成长也许能够帮助你获得更高的精神力量。